As you may have noticed... my name is Diego Di Carlo and I come from Vicenza.

I am a postodoctoral researcher at in the Sound Scene Understanding Team, Center for Advanced Intelligence Project (AIP), RIKEN and a visiting researcher in the Speech and Audio Processing Group, Kyoto University.

Detailed career path on my 2-page resume or my academic CV with pubs.

Research Interest

Machine Learning and Signal Models
  • Physics-informed and model-based machine learning
  • Generative and statistical machine learning (deep Bayesian models)
  • Non-linear regression, interpolation/up-sampling/super-resolution
Audio Inverse Problems
  • Sound source localization, separation, speech enhancement,
  • Room acoustics and sound field reconstruction.
  • Augmented Listening and Mixed Reality (Hololens2 and smart-glasses).
Other problems
  • Music Information Retrieval and Digital Audio Effects
  • Point Cloud processing and 3D (Neural) Rendering
  • Reproducible research (experiment orchestration and pipelines)


Musical space
  • Play bass and sequencers
  • Several music projects in {death-black metal, jazz, funk, pop, hip hop, post/doom/drone, grind-core, post, prog, dubstep, IDM & EDM}
Digital space
  • Linux customization (Unixporn)
  • LateX & data aesthetics
  • Coding workflow and reproducible research
  • Lot of year in playing MMORPG
Complementary space
  • Exectuting Artusi's recipes
  • DIY footpedal effect
  • Horrible/horror, fantasy and semiotics readings
  • Mountain, hiking, snowboarding and sunsets
  • Onsen and sento

Primordial Soup

I received a Ph.D. degree form University of Rennes 1, France for a doctorate at Inria in the PANAMA team in the beautiful city of Rennes (Fr) and in the Multispeech team in Nancy (Fr).
Under the supervision of Antoine Deleforge and Nancy Bertin, we shedded light on how acoustic echoes helps indoor audio signal processing and how (and if) it is possible to estimated them. More about this in my doctoral thesis.

During my Ph.D., I visited prof. Sharon Gannot at University of Bar-Ilan. Previously I was intern of Antoine Liuktus at INRIA Nancy.

I graduated in Compute Engineering in 2017 from Universitá degli Studi di Padova with a thesis on Music Interference Reduction with Gaussian Process. This worked was supervided by Nicola Orio and Antoine Liutkus and it was conducted while I was at Multispeech Team in INIRA Nancy France.

Before of this... well Hic Sunt Dracones.

Acknowledgment (or, currently worshipping)

Pellegrino Artusi, Aaron Funk, Richard David James, August Dvorak, Edward Tufte, Michael Bulkakov, Neil Gaiman, Piero Scaruffi, Blackmoon and Lord Ahriman, Oxxo Xoox, Justin Chancellor, Colin Greenwood, Stephen King, Italo Calvino, Devin Townsend, Leo Ortolani and Cthulhu. And Nyarlathotep.